This lady looks a lot, body-wise, like my aunt Karen. When i was ypung i used to spy on her getting changed. Then when.i got into my teens she tooks my virginity. I would go every saturday morning and we would have sex. I was always allowed to cum inside her, too.
Big tits usually come with big girls, which means more flesh to handle, which means sweaty & often smelly cunts and asses. Yes, most guys like big-ish tits (and nipples, very important), but once you get over the novelty of big tits on a woman, you have to face the unpleasant associated issues. I've done this several times, each time thinking "Hey, maybe THIS time it will be different" But it never is. So no more for me and so DD cup is the most I'll go and 34 band size. This girl seems OK but she is a rare size for such big tits.